The effect of rubber rope exercises on developing some physical abilities and the level of electrical activity of the leg muscles of football players

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Ali Mohamed Jabber


The study aimed to: prepare rubber rope exercises for football players, where the experimental approach with two equal groups was used, and the research sample represented Bahri Football Club players, and their number was (20) players. The researcher concluded: rubber rope exercises have a positive role in developing physical abilities, response amplitude, and contraction frequency. Movable muscle. The researcher recommended: Emphasizing the importance of rubber rope exercises during the preparation of players and in all preparation periods because they have a major role in raising the physical, skill and functional level of the players

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How to Cite
Jabber, A. M. (2024). The effect of rubber rope exercises on developing some physical abilities and the level of electrical activity of the leg muscles of football players. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 34(3), 66–76.


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