Leg deviations and its effect on the amount of work and some physical capabilities of the legs in some sports

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Dhurgham Abdel Salam Neamah
Kamil Shenein Munahi
Usama Sabeeh Mustafa


The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the effect of this deviation on the physical variable and whether leg deviations have an effect on the variable of vertical work and some types of muscular strength of the legs among some athletes who practice some sports. The researchers chose the research sample in a deliberate manner, namely the young athletes for some sports. Individual and team sports for the sports season (2022-2023), numbering (16) players, were as follows [(football (4), basketball (3), handball (1), wrestling (3), weightlifting (3), construction) Objects (2)] In order to ensure the homogeneity of the sample in terms of variables that may affect the conduct of the experiment in front of the researchers, the researchers used a set of tests (the test for measuring the deviation of the legs, the vertical jump test, the long forward jump test, the Nelson motor response test, the amount of work vertical) on the research sample, and the researchers used the Spss Ver 19 statistical package to obtain results for the data. The researchers concluded that there were no significant relationship differences between leg deflection and the amount of vertical work, which is due to the speed variable. The researchers recommended ensuring medical examinations, especially leg deflections. Because it has a significant impact on the power variable, which has an impact on other variables.

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How to Cite
Abdel Salam Neamah, D., Shenein Munahi , K., & Sabeeh Mustafa , U. (2024). Leg deviations and its effect on the amount of work and some physical capabilities of the legs in some sports. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 34(1), 44–54. https://doi.org/10.55998/jsrse.v34i1.489


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