The Level of Dogmatism Among some Employees Working in the Maysan Youth and Sports Directorate

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Saif Aldeen Abdul Mohsin Qasim
Mohammed Adnan Hashm


  The employees are different in their abilities and their cognitive and thinking style, some of them have the ability to accept the other and share his principles, while others try hard to cling and preserve what they have ideas, so the importance of the current study lies in identifying the level of dogmatism among some employees working in the Directorate of Youth and Sports Maysan by adapting dogmatism scale. The research problem was summed up in the following question: What is the level of dogmatism among some employees working in the Maysan Youth and Sports Directorate? As for the research objective: adapting the dogmatic scale for employees working in the Maysan Youth and Sports Directorate. Knowing the level of dogmatism among some employees working in the Maysan Youth and Sports Directorate. The researchers used the descriptive approach in a survey style, to know the reality of dogmatism among some employees working in the Maysan Youth and Sports Directorate. Their number is (112) out of (158) employees from the research community, and a percentage of (71%). As for the final version of the scale, it consisted of (7) dimensions distributed among them (50) paragraphs, and with (5) alternatives and a correction key from (5-1) for the paragraphs, and a total score for the scale (250). The results of the research, by directing specialists to work on reducing dogmatism.

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How to Cite
Qasim س. ا. ع. ا., & Hashm م. ع. (2022). The Level of Dogmatism Among some Employees Working in the Maysan Youth and Sports Directorate. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(2), 282–293.


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