Obstacles of Sports Activities in the Syrian Arab Republic from the Point of View of Some Teachers and Coaches of Sports Activities

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Hala Jihad Mahmoud


The current research aims to know the reality of sports activities in the Syrian Arab Republic, and the potential obstacles to sports activities, among a sample of (237) coaches and teachers of sports activities in schools and centers designated for sports, both governmental and private, in a number of governorates of the Syrian Arab Republic. Analytical descriptive through the use of two scales: the reality of sports activities, and obstacles to activating sports activities, and the following results were reached: The sports activities were not activated in the centers where the study was conducted, in addition to the presence of a set of obstacles that limit the activation of sports activities and were according to the following order: (1. Administrative obstacles. 2. Obstacles related to capabilities. 3. Obstacles related to the personal aspect. 4. Followed by obstacles related to programs. 5. Followed by obstacles related to society), in addition to the fact that the reality of sports activities were affected by obstacles, as it was found that there were no differences between the study sample members on the scale of obstacles to sports activities according to the variables of sex and work.

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How to Cite
Mahmoud ح. ج. (2022). Obstacles of Sports Activities in the Syrian Arab Republic from the Point of View of Some Teachers and Coaches of Sports Activities. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(2), 187–207. https://doi.org/10.55998/jsrse.v32i2.351


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