Building a Scale of Systems Thinking in Tennis

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Lamyaa Hasan Aldewan
Huda Mohamed Hchaya
Makki Jabbar Oudah


   The study aimed to build a scale of systemic thinking in tennis, and it represented the research community of third-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Basra for the academic year (2021-2022), and the construction sample amounted to (180) students, while the application sample was (48) female students with a percentage of (66.26%), As for the tool to be built, it was represented by a scale of systemic thinking in tennis for students of the third stage. The scientific conditions of validity were found by means of content validity and stability using the half-segmentation method.

   The results indicated that the degree of systemic thinking in tennis is mostly at an average level. Increasing students' knowledge about the game of tennis, and the researchers recommended the need to increase care and attention by the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and the teaching masters in tennis, and the need to rely on the systemic thinking scale, because of its impact on linking the theoretical material with the practical one. 

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How to Cite
Aldewan ل. ح., Hchaya ه. م. ., & Oudah م. ج. (2022). Building a Scale of Systems Thinking in Tennis. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(2), 18–27.


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