Studying (VARK) Model Among Students of the Second Stage in the College of Education and Their Relationship to Some Variables

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Munib Subhi Shahab Bana
Farhad Ali Mustafa


   The objective of the present research to Identifying the prevailing and differences in (VARK) model among students of the second stage in the College of Education and its relationship to the variables of gender and specialization.

   Was research following? Result: There is a positive varying percentage in the representative systems that they prefer according to the (VARK) model among. There are statistically significant differences between the second stage students in the College of Education in terms of the gender variable in the visual pattern in favor of males. There are statistically significant differences between students of the second stage in the College of Education in terms of the gender variable in the auditory style and in favor of females.

   Through the results of the research, the researcher recommends the following: The necessity of taking into account learning patterns according to the (VARK) model when conducting the construction, review and development processes of the curricula.

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How to Cite
Bana م. ص. ش., & Mustafa ف. ع. م. (2022). Studying (VARK) Model Among Students of the Second Stage in the College of Education and Their Relationship to Some Variables. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(1), 65–79.
Author Biography

Farhad Ali Mustafa, College of Education-Shaqlawa

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