Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Respiratory Efficiency and Pulmonary Ventilation of Obese People

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Soudad Faadel muhamed jamel


The research aims to: Preparing aerobic exercises for obese individuals، Recognizing the effect of exercise on the research variables under study for obese women.

The research concludes with the following results: The training program using aerobic exercise led to an improvement in the vital capacity of women who suffer from obesity, in addition to an improvement in the Queens test for women who suffer from obesity, and an improvement in the Pwc170 test for women who suffer from obesity, as well as an improvement in the maximum oxygen consumption for obese women.

The importance of the research is that acquiring aerobic fitness for people, especially those who suffer from obesity, does not only allow them to increase calorie consumption and promote fat mobilization and investment, but also allows its impact on the development of elements of kinetic and physical fitness as well. It can be said that the organized aerobic activity has a positive effect in raising the physical and functional capabilities by working on the adaptation of the heart and lungs by increasing the supply of oxygen to the body and by increasing the heart's ability to use oxygen more efficiently.

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How to Cite
jamel س. ف. م. (2022). Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Respiratory Efficiency and Pulmonary Ventilation of Obese People. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(1), 91–99. https://doi.org/10.55998/jsrse.v32i1.272


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