Effect of special exercises style (lactate dynamic) in some physiological variables and physical achievement

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أ.د. رحيم رويح حبيب أ.د. رحيم
أ.د. مي علي عزيز أ.د. مي
م.م. رياض جاسم محمد رياض


The 1500-meter running event is one of the athletics events that is characterized by speed, strength and excitement, as this event is classified within the medium-fast and relatively long-term activities, and in light of this, the physical and physiological numbers processes for the 1500-meter run must seek through training programs to develop Special endurance and aerobic and anaerobic energy systems together in order to perform and endure effort during the race and increase muscle efficiency over the amount of oxygen consumption and lactic acid tolerance, which helps delay the onset of fatigue, maintain the rate of speed and achieve the best achievement. The study aimed to prepare exercises for the dynamic lactate training method for 1500-meter runners and to identify the effect of these exercises on the physiological variables (the ratio of lactic acid concentration in the blood and the maximum oxygen consumption), physical (endurance of speed and endurance of strength) and achievement , “The researchers used the experimental approach in a two-group method, due to its relevance to the nature of the research The research community consists of competitors from Diwaniyah governorate clubs with strong games for young people who ran 1500 meters and ages (18-19) years, and by the random method, the study sample was chosen each of the club (Afak - Nefer), whose number is (10) competitors out of a total of (16) contestants, As they formed a percentage (62.50%) of the research population for the sports season (2019-2020), then the research sample was divided into two equivalent groups (experimental and control) and by (5) contestants for each group after they were homogeneous with the study variables and through the results the researchers concluded That there is an effect of the exercises used in the dynamic lactate training method on enduring speed and endurance of strength, which led to the development of the achievement of a 150-meter run. Also, these exercises affected the tolerance of lactic acid accumulation in the blood and the limit.Maximum oxygen consumption resulting in an improved 1500-meter run  

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أ.د. رحيم أ. ر. ر. ح. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., أ.د. مي أ. م. ع. ع., & رياض م. ر. ج. م. . . (2021). Effect of special exercises style (lactate dynamic) in some physiological variables and physical achievement . Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 31(4), 131–146. Retrieved from https://jsrse.edu.iq/index.php/home/article/view/22