The enthusiasm of physical education teachers towards teaching and its relationship to creativity in the workplace within the schools to which they belong

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Latif Ghani Nassif


The research aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between the enthusiasm of physical education teachers and their creativity in the workplace. The researcher used the descriptive approach through both the survey method and the correlational method. To obtain data related to the research variables, the researcher went to prepare two scales. The first scale was to measure the level of a teacher’s enthusiasm. Physical education, with a number of items that reached (15) items, and the second scale to measure the level of creativity in the workplace, with a number of items that reached (15) items. After completing the preparation process, the two scales were applied to the final application sample and the results were extracted. The researcher concluded the following: - Education teachers have There is a high level of enthusiasm towards teaching the subject, and he recommended: The researcher recommends physical education teachers in particular and other teachers the importance of encouraging them to activate flexibility and innovation in their work, by applying new educational methods for sports skills and information.

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How to Cite
Nassif, L. G. . (2024). The enthusiasm of physical education teachers towards teaching and its relationship to creativity in the workplace within the schools to which they belong. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 34(3), 323–341.


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