Academic adjustment and its relationship to psychological stress among students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

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Hayder Abbas Abdel Amir


The aim of the research was to: find out academic adaptation, psychological stress, and the relationship between the two variables among students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - College of Basic Education - University of Diyala for the academic year 2023-2024. The researcher used the descriptive approach in the method of correlational relationships to suit the nature of the research, and the research community was identified as students from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Sports - University of Diyala. They represent the population and the research sample (90) students were randomly selected by the researcher. The academic adjustment scale and the psychological stress scale were used in the research and treated statistically using the SPSS package. The researcher concluded that the students have pressures, and the greater the academic adjustment, the less psychological pressure, and there is a correlation between the variables on Despite the varying levels of students, the researcher recommended the need to pay attention to the psychological aspect of university students by professors and coaches while participating in sports.

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How to Cite
Abdel Amir, H. A. . (2024). Academic adjustment and its relationship to psychological stress among students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 34(3), 456–467.


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