دراسة مقارنة للمناهج التدريبية للاعبي بعض اندية الدرجة الاولى بكرة القدم الصالات

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وسام حميد عبد الرضا
مصطفى عبد الزهرة عبود


The aim of the research was to evaluate the training curricula according to some of the complex skills in the light of the repeated measurements of the football players of the halls. The research areas included the human field represented by the players of Maysan football clubs (Maysan, Qal'atSalih and Degla) (16/2/2018) until (15/05/2018), while the spatial area in the clubs investigated.

The researchers used the descriptive approach in the method of repeated measurements. The sample consisted of (30) players from Maysan football clubs for the halls. The SPSS system was used to obtain the results of the research. The researchers concluded that:

  • It emerged that there was a development in the composite skills investigated for all three teams.

  • The training curriculum prepared by the three clubs is good and worked on the development of players skillfully.


  • Use periodic and regular tests and inform the players on their level, to be an incentive for them to make more effort.

  • The researcher is recommended to apply tests and standards as a basic part of modern training and preparation programs.

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How to Cite
وسام حميد عبد الرضا, & مصطفى عبد الزهرة عبود. (2024). دراسة مقارنة للمناهج التدريبية للاعبي بعض اندية الدرجة الاولى بكرة القدم الصالات. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 28(3), 89–73. Retrieved from https://jsrse.edu.iq/index.php/home/article/view/711


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