تأثير دورة التعلم والخرائط الذهنية وفق الاسلوب المعرفي (التحليلي مقابل الشمولي) في تطوير الذكاء الحسي الحركي وتعلم بعض مهارات الجمناستك الفني للرجال

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ليث محمد حسين


maps according to the cognitive method in the development of sensory intelligence and to learn some of the technical skills of the gymnastic, and to identify the most effective method in the development of sensory intelligence kinetic and learning some of the technical skills gymnastic between the four groups, The students of the second phase of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - Basra University for the academic year 2016 - 2017 and the number of (99) students distributed to (6) people, was selected Division C to learn the style of the learning cycle and Division D to learn the strategy of mental maps, Division A has been subjected In order to divide the research sample according to the cognitive method (analytical vs. totalitarian), the researcher distributed the cognitive scale to the two research groups. After collecting the questionnaire forms and emptying them, the researcher found that both groups include the cognitive field (analytical versus totalitarian) as follows:

  • The first group: This group consists of students of the second grade (C) of (9) students of the analytical and of the total (18) students in the division are taught some of the skills of the gymnastic in the learning cycle.

  • The second group: This group consists of students in the second grade (C) of the total (9) students of the total and out of the total (18) students in the Division are taught some of the skills of the gymnastic style of learning cycle.

  • The third group: This group consists of students in the second row (D) of (9) students of the analytical and out of the total (17) students in the division are taught some of the skills of the Jmnstk strategy maps mental.

  • The fourth group: This group consists of students in the second row (D) of (8) students of total and of the total (17) students in the division are taught some of the skills of the Jmnstk mental maps strategy.

The implementation of the main experiment to search on 27/2/2017 and until 26/4/2017 for a period of 9 weeks and at a rate of (2) educational units in the week after an exploratory experience and give two units tariff for each group, as it has been allocated (6) learning modules for each skill , educational unit per time (90 minutes) note that the researcher did not intervene in the section preparatory and the final section, but the experience is located within the main section of the lesson of 60 minutes is divided into two parts (30) minutes to learn the skills in question and 30 minutes to teach the skill Other part of the curriculum, and after processing the results of tribal tests and dimensionality using statistical methods The appropriate researcher concluded the following:

  • The use of both the learning cycle and mental maps according to the cognitive method (analytical versus totalitarian) have shown a positive impact in the development of sensory intelligence and the movement of the movement of technical skills and technical skills in the search.

  • The strategy of mental maps is better than the strategy of the learning cycle in the development of sensory intelligence and movement and learn the technical skills of the technical research.

  • The analytical people who learned according to the strategy of mental maps and the learning cycle are more able to develop the sensory intelligence and motivate the learning of the technical skills of the technical research of the total people.

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How to Cite
ليث محمد حسين. (2018). تأثير دورة التعلم والخرائط الذهنية وفق الاسلوب المعرفي (التحليلي مقابل الشمولي) في تطوير الذكاء الحسي الحركي وتعلم بعض مهارات الجمناستك الفني للرجال . Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 28(3), 42–11. Retrieved from https://jsrse.edu.iq/index.php/home/article/view/708


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