The effect of using the pentagram strategy in learning some grips In freestyle wrestling for students

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Jalal Abdel Zahra Kanaan
Fatima Hassan Muhammad
Qusay muhammad hussein


 This study aimed to identify the effect of using the pentagram strategy in learning some freestyle wrestling holds for students. The experimental method was used, as the study was conducted on a sample of 40 students registered for the wrestling course. The sample was chosen intentionally, and an educational program was prepared using Pentagram model (strategy).

Accordingly, it was concluded: The pentagram strategy achieved the educational goals and helped in learning some freestyle wrestling holds for the students. It was recommended: Adopting the pentagram strategy because it achieved the educational goals and helped in learning some freestyle wrestling holds for the students.

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How to Cite
Kanaan, J. A. Z. ., Muhammad, F. H. ., & hussein, Q. muhammad . (2024). The effect of using the pentagram strategy in learning some grips In freestyle wrestling for students. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 34(3), 361–372.


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