An analytical study of the use of the goal management method and the significance of its effect on the performance of physical education and sports science University of Mosul

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أ.م.د ثابت إحسان احمد احمد
أ.د ضمياء علي عبد الله عبد الله
أ.د وليد خالد رجب رجب


Search Goal Identify:

1- The level of the use of the management of the objectives of the dimensions (confidence between the president and subordinate, participation, the commitment of teachers to apply the goals, feedback) in the college and departments of physical education and sports science from the point of view..

2- The nature of the relationship and the impact between the use of the method of management objectives in the college and departments of physical education and sports science and the performance of teachers.

The he researchers used the descriptive method and the survey method. The research sample was selected using the intentional inventory method. The researchers used the management objectives questionnaire and the performance of employees and preparers by (Rashidi, 2014), where the management questionnaire of the objectives consisted of (22) paragraphs divided into (4) dimensions (confidence between the president and subordinate, participation, commitment of employees to apply the goals, feedback) While the performance questionnaire consisted of (7) paragraphs, the data were treated statistically using the mean arithmetic mean, standard deviation, alpha coefficient and one-way analysis of variance using the statistical program (spss) in data analysis. The researchers found the following:

1- The differences in the levels of using the management method with the objectives in its dimensions in the faculties and departments of physical education and sports sciences from the point of view of the teachers, as both dimensions of trust between the president and the subordinate and the commitment of teachers to apply the goals at a very high level, while the level of participation and feedback is high..

2- The presence of indicators with a significant effect of the use of the method of management objectives in the performance of teachers.

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احمد أ. ث. إ. ا. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., عبد الله أ. ض. ع. ع. ا., & رجب أ. و. خ. ر. . . . . . . . (2021). An analytical study of the use of the goal management method and the significance of its effect on the performance of physical education and sports science University of Mosul. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 31(2), 325–340. Retrieved from