School climate from the point of view of physical education teachers in Erbil governorate schools and its relationship to job performance

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Ahmed Muhammad Ali kamel
Firas Akram Al-Khayat


The aim of the research is to: - Identify the reality of the school climate in Erbil Governorate schools from the point of view of physical education teachers and identify the level of job performance of physical education teachers in Erbil Governorate schools from the point of view of school principals.The research sample included 15 school principals to determine the job performance of physical education teachers in the same schools. The research sample also included (15) physical education teachers in order to identify the reality of the school climate of the schools to which they belong.For the purpose of measuring the reality of the school climate, the researchers used a scale that consists of five axes: (the relationship between students - the relationship between students and teachers - the relationship between students and school administration - the relationship between teachers and school administration - school problems). The researchers resorted to constructing a measure of job performance consisting of four axes. It is (the teaching performance axis - the scientific research axis - the activity axis in the school - the behavioral axis). After conducting statistical studies, the scale is finally made up of (32 items).

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How to Cite
Ali kamel ا. م., & Akram Al-Khayat ف. . (2023). School climate from the point of view of physical education teachers in Erbil governorate schools and its relationship to job performance. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 33(2), 262–277.


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