The Effectiveness Of The Blended Learning Strategy In Learning Some Complex Offensive Skills In Futsal For Students

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Mazen Ali Lazem
Noha Yousef Hashem Abbas
Lamyaa Hassan Mohammed


The study aimed to find out the effect of the strategy on learning the offensive skills combined in indoor football, which were (putting, rolling, handling, scoring) for students of the College of Physical Education at the University of Basra. The researchers assumed that the strategy has a positive effect on learning the skills of the third stage for the academic year (2022-2023). The researchers used the experimental approach with control and experimental groups (pre- and post-measurements), and the number of the two groups was (20) students, with (10) students for each group. The researcher analyzed the results and concluded that there is an effect of the blended learning strategy in learning some offensive skill.                  

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How to Cite
Lazem, M. A. ., Hashem Abbas , N. Y. ., & Mohammed, L. H. . (2024). The Effectiveness Of The Blended Learning Strategy In Learning Some Complex Offensive Skills In Futsal For Students. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 34(2), 39–56.


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