The exemplary leadership of principals and its relationship to the professional commitment of physical education teachers in secondary schools of Baghdad Al-Karkh II Directorate from their point of view

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Khalaf Mahmood Kareem


The aim of the research is to- Preparing a scale to measure the exemplary leadership practices of secondary school principals affiliated with the Second Baghdad Al-Karkh Education Directorate from the point of view of physical education teachers, and a scale to measure the professional commitment of physical education teachers in secondary schools affiliated with the Second Baghdad Al-Karkh Education Directorate from their point of view.

2- Identify the extent to which secondary school principals affiliated with the Second Karkh Baghdad Education Directorate apply exemplary leadership practices from the point of view of physical education teachers.

The descriptive approach was used, as the research population consisted of physical education teachers in secondary schools affiliated with the Second Karkh Baghdad Education Directorate, numbering (371) teachers, while the main research sample consisted of (239) physical education teachers. The researcher prepared two tools, the first to measure the exemplary leadership of principals. Secondary schools, and the second to measure the professional commitment of teachers, and the researcher concluded: - The effectiveness of the exemplary leadership scale for principals of secondary schools affiliated with the General Directorate of Education of Baghdad Al-Karkh II was verified from the point of view of physical education teachers, as well as the effectiveness of the professional commitment scale for physical education teachers there from their point of view. After applying scientific procedures to them in Chapter Two

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How to Cite
Kareem خ. م. (2023). The exemplary leadership of principals and its relationship to the professional commitment of physical education teachers in secondary schools of Baghdad Al-Karkh II Directorate from their point of view. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 33(2), 214–231.


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