The effect of plyometric exercises using the double pyramid method (opposite and opposite) on some of the physical variables of advanced handball players

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Kamal Nader Faqi Shareef
Razkar Majeed khadher


The research aims to reveal the effect of the training curriculum using the double pyramid method (opposite and opposite) on a number of physical variables for advanced handball players and to reveal the significance of statistical differences in a number of physical variables for the two experimental groups of the double pyramid (opposite and opposite) for advanced handball players. The research population was determined intentionally from handball players from the Soran Sports Club in Erbil Governorate. The research sample was chosen from this population and consisted of (16). This sample was divided into two experimental groups with (8) players for each group. The first group applied the curriculum using plyometric exercises in the hierarchical manner. The double (opposite) method, while the second group applied the curriculum using plyometric exercises in the double (opposite) pyramid method. The curriculum consisted of (36) training units for the two experimental groups over a period of (12) weeks, with (3) training units per week, and the duration of each training unit. It ranges between (32-47) minutes and for the year 2022.
The researchers concluded: - The emergence of a positive positive improvement in all the physical variables under study as a result of the nonmetric exercises in the inverse pyramid method, as demonstrated by the results of the post-tests of the research sample. (or for the first experimental group)
The researchers concluded: Choosing training methods and loads appropriate for the training age stage and preparation stages for players to achieve the required development.

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How to Cite
Shareef ك. ن. ف. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., & khadher ر. م. . (2024). The effect of plyometric exercises using the double pyramid method (opposite and opposite) on some of the physical variables of advanced handball players. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 34(1), 55–70.


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