Relay Royal Foundation at level of achievement foot ball players at theUniversity of Sport Education University of AIhamdanea Assistant Level .

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م.م احمد فاضل علي رضا رضا
م. م داود سليمان سلمان كاظم كاظم


the spirit is the main signs of the high – end sports that must be taken so much in the sport His Levels , the sport of the loll for the enjoyment and  to condolences or confict when the sport is a love letter Among the other and coutries are among the people from different at the extension of the land of the ground , the sport of sport that the sports have  to be a large dermatatation and to face its audience in the spirit of his sports and expecting all the prospects the sport or fans are humbled to others to help you , but it is a fan or fellow ,it is awa   And realize the impact of your actions on others and your actions on others and the way they have to have a game , and the sporting and Source for fun before.

Use the researcher of the transparent method of the math . sample research is represented by the teams 0of stages of the Faculty of sports

University of AIhamdaneafoot ball l, where the sample became (48) players,,  and use the research use the program  Status (SPSS) to extract result

This study is witnessing to know the degree of the spirit of the players the re the level of achievementof stages of phases  football at the Education of AIhamdanea University.

The researcher reached the following:

1-The study showed that the levels of sportsmanship were lower than the mean for the fourth and third stage team, which are almost normal levels for the teams.

2-The study showed that the levels of sportsmanship were more than the middle for the second and first stage team, which are good levels for the teams.

3-The effect of sportsmanship was negative and had no significant relationship with the level of achievement teams in the championship.

The researcher recommended:

1-You should focus on preparing and preparing training programs that serve the psychological preparation of players, especially in foot ball .

2-Attention and emphasis on conducting special research on sports club teams with foot ball l, in terms of sportsmanship and all psychological, skill and physical aspects, in order to spread the game and expand its base.

3-Attention and emphasis on research related to foot ball l, and all psychological, skill and physical aspects, in order to spread the game and expand its base.

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How to Cite
رضا م. ا. ف. ع. . ر. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., & كاظم م. م. د. س. س. ك. (2021). Relay Royal Foundation at level of achievement foot ball players at theUniversity of Sport Education University of AIhamdanea Assistant Level . Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 31(4), 435–444. Retrieved from