The Impact of Hypermedia-Enhanced Cooperative Kagan Structures on Teaching Offensive Tactical Formations in Futsal for Female Students

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Ali Hikmat Hameed


The current research aims to utilize cooperative Jigsaw structures supported by hypermedia to assist female students in the College of Physical Education at Al-Mustansiriya University in learning tactical formations. The researcher employed an experimental approach to suit the research conditions, with a sample size of 40 students divided into a control group consisting of 20 students and an experimental group consisting of 20 students. After implementing the educational program and conducting post-tests for both groups, the researcher concluded the existence of significant differences in the post-test results between the two groups, favoring the experimental group. The researcher recommended the importance of incorporating cooperative Jigsaw structures supported by hypermedia in the educational practices of indoor soccer instructors in colleges of physical education, to enhance the teaching processes in both the practical and theoretical aspects.                                           


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How to Cite
Hikmat Hameed , A. . . (2023). The Impact of Hypermedia-Enhanced Cooperative Kagan Structures on Teaching Offensive Tactical Formations in Futsal for Female Students. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 33(1), 127–144.


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