The Impact of Using the Electronic Achievement File on the Obtain Knowledge and Referring Performance of International Volleyball Law Among Students

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Hiwa Jalal Saleh


   The technological development that the world is witnessing will not come from anywhere, but it came as a result of the interest adopted by these countries in education by focusing on providing learners with the knowledge and skills necessary for various fields of life to keep pace with the new and modern that they face, as the number of learners alike has become an issue It is important from the technological side because it is justified in the era in which we live, which is the era of technology and technical progress, and this is what we notice from the developments of technology in the educational process systems and teacher preparation programs in particular, and the research aims to reveal the impact of the electronic achievement file on obtain knowledge and the arbitrary performance of the law International student volleyball. The research community consisted of students of the fourth academic year at the Sports Institute (Erbil) for the academic year 2021-2022. The research sample consisted of (A) and (C) divisions, with (15) students for each group. Equivalence was made in the variables of intelligence and achievement for volleyball for the stage Third, the researcher used research tools (a test of obtain knowledge of international law in volleyball) and a form for evaluating arbitration performance). Students were also assigned to create a special electronic achievement file for each student. After the implementation of the experiment, it was processed statistically using the (SPSS) program, and conclusions were reached, the most important of which are: The strategy of the electronic achievement file had a great impact on the knowledge achievement of international volleyball law, which was applied to the experimental group and its superiority over the control group that was studied according to the traditional method. Also, on the arbitration performance of international law in volleyball, which was applied to the experimental group which overcome on control group.

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How to Cite
Saleh ه. ج. . (2023). The Impact of Using the Electronic Achievement File on the Obtain Knowledge and Referring Performance of International Volleyball Law Among Students. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 33(1), 337–348.



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