Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship with the Cognitive Psychological Outcome for Physical Education Teachers at Al-muthana Education Directorate

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Basim Habeeb habib


          In the beginning, the importance of the study has shown through its attempt to identify and make aware of the emotional intelligence concept and psychological cognitive outcome and to find out the standards of psychological cognitive outcome and the standards of emotional intelligence in addition to finding out the relationship between the two variables. The sample included physical education teachers in the Almuthana education directorate.

          The scales have preprepared a part of the research requirements. The steps for preparing the scales included determining the principal paragraphs of the scale, setting up the initial version of the scale, determining the formations of phrases, and the scientific procedures of preparing psychological scales through exploring the opinions of experts as a first step. The study aimed to reveal the nature of the relationship between the psychological cognitive outcome and emotional intelligence among physical education teachers and to know the standards of emotional intelligence in addition to the standards of psychological cognitive outcome. After the statistical analysis, the results showed a positive correlation between psychological cognitive outcome and emotional intelligence among the teachers. the conclusions revealed also that the teachers have high standards of psychological cognitive outcome and high standards of emotional intelligence. 

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How to Cite
habib ب. ح. . (2022). Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship with the Cognitive Psychological Outcome for Physical Education Teachers at Al-muthana Education Directorate. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(2), 253–269. https://doi.org/10.55998/jsrse.v32i2.360


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