A Study of the Relationship Between the Emotional Suppression of Coaches and the Psychological Resilience of Players from the Point of View of the Players of the Northern Region Football Clubs in Iraq

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Dhakir Muhammad Salim
Thamer Mahmoud Al-Hamdani


     Attention to originality, study times, as well as previous studies, but a few of these studies focused on the concept of emotional suppression. Therefore, a study of the emotional suppression of schools for the emotional suppression of schools for a specific purpose of the current research to identifying the relationship between the emotional suppression of coaches and the psychological resilience of layers from the point of view of football players in the clubs of the northern region in Iraq.The researchers used the descriptive approach in a correlational style for its suitability to the nature of the current research, and the research sample included the players of the northern region football clubs in Iraq for the season 2021 AD - 2022 AD, and the researchers used the statistical package (SPSS) to reach the results of the research. There is an inverse correlation between emotional repression and psychological resilience, whereby the higher the emotional repression of the coaches, the less the psychological resilience of the players and vice versa. Through these results, the researchers recommend the following: The work of a counseling and preventive program on how to reduce emotional repression among coaches by activating the role of the sports psychologist in this aspect, especially in Iraqi sports clubs.

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How to Cite
Salim ذ. م. س., & Al-Hamdani ث. م. (2022). A Study of the Relationship Between the Emotional Suppression of Coaches and the Psychological Resilience of Players from the Point of View of the Players of the Northern Region Football Clubs in Iraq: . Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(2), 67–82. https://doi.org/10.55998/jsrse.v32i2.324


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