''The effect of the two methods of artistic learning and introduction (containment) in teaching some basic football skills to students''

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م.م احمد زهير كطان احمد
م.م احمد حسين عبد احمد
م.م مصطفى خالد عبد مصطفى


The importance of research is evidenced by using the two learning styles (mastery and inclusion) that accompany the type of activity related to football skills and prove their effectiveness and the extent of their impact on the educational process through the optimal investment of effort as well as the extent of their contribution to enriching the teacher in a practical way through which he can make the educational process succeed and keep pace with the scientific development of this the game. Through the researchers watching most of the physical education lessons in some of the governorate schools devoted to teaching some basic football skills and inquiring from some teachers, they found it difficult to choose the best method of teaching due to the large number of teaching and educational methods, which prompted researchers to conduct a diversification process in teaching methods, which may achieve acceleration In the process of learning and this diversification through the use of the two learning styles (mastery and inclusion) to deliver the educational material to the learner and to know the most appropriate method for teaching these skills. In order to reach the best skill levels for students, this is a research problem.

The aim of the research was:

1-Identify the effect of the two learning styles (mastery and inclusion) on teaching some basic football skills to students.

2- Identifying the preference of methods in teaching some basic football skills to students.

The most important conclusions are: The use of the technical learning and containment methods has a positive effect on teaching some basic football skills.

It was recommended to: Emphasize the use of professional learning method in learning some basic football skills.

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احمد م. ا. ز. ك. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., احمد م. ا. ح. ع. . . . ., & مصطفى م. م. خ. ع. (2021). ’’The effect of the two methods of artistic learning and introduction (containment) in teaching some basic football skills to students’’. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 31(4), 263–277. Retrieved from https://jsrse.edu.iq/index.php/home/article/view/31