The Reality of Psychological Preparation from the Point of View of the Players of The Excellent Sports Teams in Sudan

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Gehan Awad Musa Elbadawi


The current study aimed at two objectives: measuring the reality of psychological preparation in the sports teams of the Premier League in Sudan. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher built a tool to measure the reality of psychological preparation in the national teams in Sudan. The researcher applied the scale, using the descriptive method on a sample of (150) players with individual and group sports activities. While it is used very weakly in some clubs of the excellent class in Sudan for collective games and in the light of the results of the study, the researcher reached a set of recommendations and proposals, the most important of which are:

Emphasis on psychological preparation programs to develop voluntary features and control emotional aspects and the optimal use of the cognitive characteristics of the players during training and competition in parallel with the skills and physical training. The appointment of a sports psychologist for each club, whether for individual or collective sports, in order to raise awareness of the players and their urgent need for psychological preparation, because of its clear impact on the achievement of sports competitions locally and internationally.

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How to Cite
Elbadawi . ج. ع. م. (2022). The Reality of Psychological Preparation from the Point of View of the Players of The Excellent Sports Teams in Sudan. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(1), 128–139.


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