A Comparative Study of Some Genomic Variables for Jumpshot with and Without Defenders for Female Basketball Players

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Wadie Yassin Al-Tikriti
Kamal Othman Omar
Khaled Hamad Nasser


    The research aims: Recognizing the values of some genetic and Identifying the differences between shooting from jumping with and without defenders.The researchers hypothesized that there are significant differences between the shooting from jumping with and without the defender -The researchers used the descriptive approach, using both analytical and comparative methods, due to its relevance to the nature of the research

    The researchers concluded the following: The values of the genetic variables for shooting in the presence of defense were better during the stages of shooting by jumping according to the mechanical performance of the movement, and the values of the genetic variables for shooting without the presence of defense were close to them ,The values of the genomic variables of the ball in jumping shooting with and without the presence of the defender were not equal with minor differences ,There are significant differences in all genomic variables, and the number of variables for the benefit of shooting by jumping with the presence of the defender ,There are significant differences in all the genomic variables of the ball between shooting with and without the defender, ,The moral differences were generally in the interest of shooting by jumping in the presence of defenders.

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How to Cite
Al-Tikriti و. ي., Omar . ك. ع., & Nasser خ. ح. . . (2022). A Comparative Study of Some Genomic Variables for Jumpshot with and Without Defenders for Female Basketball Players. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 32(1), 39–64. https://doi.org/10.55998/jsrse.v32i1.273


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