The strategic vision and its relationship to the institutional and organizational performance of the administrative leaders in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences

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Ali Jabr Jihad
Karar Jaafar Abbas


The obsession that always haunts educational institutions and pushes them to enter into a state of permanence and continuity and makes them able to catch up with distinguished and successful institutions is to achieve the highest level of performance, through the blending that it seeks to achieve between the capabilities of its members and the experience they have gained in a way that shows Their performance is in harmony to a large extent with the performance of the institution, so that the end result is to achieve what they aspire to and raise the performance of the institution and its members alike. Hence the importance of the study in forming a cognitive and applied system that may enhance the ability of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences in deepening their strategic vision towards institutional performance. and its organizational structure and keep pace with the changes in the surrounding educational environment,As for the research problem in trying to answer the following question: (What is the relationship of the strategic vision with the institutional and organizational performance of the administrative leaders of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences?), As for the objective of the research, it is to prepare a scale of strategic vision, institutional performance and organizational performance among the administrative leaders in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences. Sports, and to identify the relationship between the strategic vision, institutional performance and organizational performance among the administrative leaders in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences.

As for the third chapter, it included the research methodology and its field procedures, where the researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method. The research community and its samples were identified from its limits represented by the administrative leaders in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences in Iraqi universities, which number (18) faculties except for the universities of the Kurdistan region, distributed among them (98 members). They represent the administrative leadership formation of the faculties (dean of the college, scientific assistant, administrative assistant, heads of branches), where the research sample was chosen randomly. The exploratory experiment sample was chosen from (8 members), the preparation sample from (90 members) and the application sample from (90 members) from the community the original.

As for the fourth chapter, it included presentation, analysis and discussion of the scale axes used in the research, in addition to finding correlations between the research variables.

As for the fifth chapter, it included the conclusions, the most important of which was the research sample characterized by effective management and all its fields, that is, there is an understanding by the administrators of its importance and role in the development of the work of the faculties of physical education and sports sciences, as well as recommendations, the most important of which is the involvement of workers in the administrative leaders of institutions in training courses periodically and informing them of the methods Modern administration, including the issue of institutional and organizational performance.

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How to Cite
Jabr Jihad م. ع. ., & Jaafar Abbas م. ك. . (2021). The strategic vision and its relationship to the institutional and organizational performance of the administrative leaders in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 29(3), 291–306. Retrieved from