Evaluating the content of volleyball subjects for the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences inSouthern Iraq from the students' point of view

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اسعد مهوس ضميد ضميد
أ.د. حسين علي محسن محسن
أ.م. رجاء عبد الصمد عبد الصمد


  The research aims to evaluate the content of the volleyballnsubject through the evaluation perspectives of the students, and for this, anquestionnaire was prepared through social media platforms using the (Classroom) program. The research community was distributed into three groups (construction, application and exploratory). Finding the scientific parameters (truthfulness,consistency,and objectivity) for the questionnaire. The validity of the arbitrators and the discriminatory power were also adopted. The triple weight was adopted (achieved - to some extent - not achieved). The answers were treated by extracting (weighted mean and percentage weight). The conclusions show that the content needs to be reviewed to keep up with the updates in The field of the game, its law, and the trend in adopting moderndevelopments in providing educational material on volleyball

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ضميد ا. م. ض. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., محسن أ. ح. ع. م., & عبد الصمد أ. ر. ع. ا. (2021). Evaluating the content of volleyball subjects for the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences inSouthern Iraq from the students’ point of view. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 30(4), 358–369. Retrieved from https://jsrse.edu.iq/index.php/home/article/view/158