Relationship of emotional traits to some basic skills Handball for advanced

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أ.م.د. كاظم حبيب عباس عباس


The importance of the research was manifested in the ways of one of the important psychological aspects, in which handball players are diagnosed, to identify the importance of this aspect, as it has a major role in achieving the best results during the matches. Skill performance and the accuracy of basic skills performance in handball, and this fluctuation has an impact on the skill performance during matches. The two objectives of the research were, first, to identify self-confidence and the accuracy of performing the basic skills of handball, and secondly to identify the relationship of self-confidence and the accuracy of basic skills.

As for the research hypothesis, there is a statistically significant relationship between self-confidence and the accuracy of performing basic handball skills

The most important conclusions

1-There is a correlation relationship between the level of self-confidence, the accuracy of shooting and the stability of handball among Al-Baladiyat Sports Club players in handball.

2-There is a correlative relationship between the level of self-confidence and the accuracy of shooting from deception in handball among the players of the Municipal Sports Club in handball.

3- There is a correlation between the level of self-confidence and the speed of dribbling in handball among the players of the Municipal Sports Club in handball.

As for the importance of the recommendations, it was

1- The necessity of paying attention to the development of psychological features because of their importance in developing the basic skills of handball players.

2-The need to pay attention to the development of basic skills for their importance in developing the level of performance of handball players.

3-Ensuring that the training and educational programs include psychological features because of their role in raising the level of performance of the players.

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How to Cite
عباس أ. ك. ح. ع. . (2021). Relationship of emotional traits to some basic skills Handball for advanced. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 30(4), 291–306. Retrieved from