The effect of mental exercise for self-learning according to the theory of the call-up scheme in learning some basic skills in basketball

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د. عبد الحسن رحيمة مشكور مشكور
أ.د حيدر عبد الرزاق كاظم كاظم
أ.د شكري شاكر فالح فالح


The importance of the research comes in explaining the role and importance of educational mental exercises according to the theory of the call-up scheme in learning some basic skills in basketball. Research as well as explaining the role of the theory of the recall scheme in learning some basic skills in basketball because it improves basic skills and thus put scientific information on the role of kinetic learning in educational creativity. Giving a clear and easy-to-learn picture in complex skills as a basketball game.

The research objectives were:

1-Preparing mental exercises according to the theory of the call-up scheme in learning some basic skills in basketball.

2-Identifying the effect of mental exercises according to the theory of the call-up scheme in learning some basic skills in basketball.

A sample of the first stage students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Basra University was used for the academic year 2020-2021, and the research variables were identified and are part of the curriculum for learning basic offensive skills.

The following was concluded:

1-Mental self-learning exercise according to the summon scheme theory, one of the correct and purposeful educational methods in learning some basic skills in basketball.

2-Individual self-education and linking skills (easy with hard) to teach them according to recall scheme theory has importance in correcting the error path in learning difficult skills.

It was recommended:

1- Adopting mental self-learning exercise according to the summon scheme theory as it is one of the correct and purposeful educational methods in learning some basic skills in basketball.

2-Emphasizing in educational units on individual self-education and linking skills (easy with difficult) to teach them according to recall scheme theory because of its importance in correcting the error path in learning difficult skills.

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How to Cite
مشكور د. ع. ا. ر. م. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., كاظم . أ. ح. ع. ا. ك. . ., & فالح أ. ش. ش. ف. (2021). The effect of mental exercise for self-learning according to the theory of the call-up scheme in learning some basic skills in basketball. Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education, 31(3), 61–71. Retrieved from